Creative Tone Media SMS Terms & Conditions

Thank you for subscribing to

Creative Tone Media!

By opting in, you agree to receive SMS messages related to marketing insights, promotions, exclusive offers, event updates, etc.

You can cancel the SMS service at any time. Simply text "STOP"

to +1 260-306-9032.

Upon sending "STOP," you will receive a confirmation message that you have unsubscribed, and you will no longer receive SMS messages from us. To rejoin, sign up again, and we will resume sending messages.

If you experience issues, reply

"HELP" for assistance, or contact us directly at [email protected].

Carriers are not responsible for delayed or undelivered messages.

Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies.

For questions regarding your text or data plan, please contact your wireless provider.

By opting in, you agree to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy at